Example Neighborhood

A bus on a city street

Hello! Welcome to our neighborhood page!

Deadlines for NIP grants are coming! Contribute your projects today. Here you will find the latest news, projects and improvements happening in our neighborhood.

Have an idea for a neighborhood improvement project? Submit it using our ideas tool below. Have a question for your NGLA leader or other members of your community? Ask it in the Q&A section!

Type information here in this box

Hello! Welcome to our neighborhood page!

Deadlines for NIP grants are coming! Contribute your projects today. Here you will find the latest news, projects and improvements happening in our neighborhood.

Have an idea for a neighborhood improvement project? Submit it using our ideas tool below. Have a question for your NGLA leader or other members of your community? Ask it in the Q&A section!

Type information here in this box

  • City Newsletters

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    Here are some newsletters that the City offers that you may be interested in signing up for:

    The Longmont Library

  • Sustainable Neighborhood Solutions Project

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    Hello Residents!

    As you know, we have begun our 2020 Sustainable Neighborhood Solutions Project. To help facilitate a discussion about the details of the project, we have opened up a Forum. For those who aren't aware, we have selected Pollinator Workshops for our project. We will be hosting a workshop on the value of pollinators to humans and the food chain followed by a community discussion of neighborhood impacts and opportunities. We are looking for your thoughts and suggestions on how to go about hosting this workshop with the current COVID-19 restrictions.

    If you have thoughts to share on this topic, please visit the "Neighborhood Grant Projects" section of this website and give us your feedback on later than September 14, 2020 (the forum will be closed at that time).

    Thanks, everyone! Looking forward to have this program in place in our neighborhood.

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  • Example Neighborhood News

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    Hello Residents!

    Welcome to our neighborhood portal. This is a virtual space for our neighborhood in keep in touch with each other, ask questions of fellow neighbors and NGLA group leaders, share ideas and work collaboratively on projects.

    Important updates will appear on this news section, so please make sure to check back regularly to stay in the know! Be sure to check this news section for important updates and deadlines and keep an eye on the Key Dates for information on neighborhood meetings, HOA meetings, grant deadlines and more.

    If you have any suggestions for how to best use this site, please let your NGLA leader know! Their contact information is listed in the upper right hand corner of this page.

    Have a question for your NGLA leader? Use the "Ask Questions" tool!
    Have an idea for to improve our neighborhood? Drop it in the "Share Ideas" tool!

Page last updated: 08 Mar 2021, 05:55 PM